New Ways to Enjoy Lake Padgett Estates East
New Year—New Ways to Enjoy Lake Padgett Estates East
Many improvements in the planning and implementing stage in 2015 will become a reality in 2016, making life even more enjoyable and usable:
LPEE Website will be up and running fully so you can easily access forms, DCCRs. Board Minutes, be up to date on events and activities and interactive for residents to use.
Weirs on Parkway Blvd and Clearwater/Venice will be repaired and ready for the summer rains and also allow the correct levels of water to help maintain the beauty of our waterways.
Road Repaving Projects in five areas of the association will be started and finished (hopefully).
Front Entry Enhancements will be completed to make coming home a warmer welcome.
Batting Cage at Savanah Way and Club Villas Dr. is finished and ready to help your swing.
New Basketball Backboard and hoops are set up on two courts; the other two courts will have adjustable height poles so even the smallest residents can get in the game.
Tennis Courts, six were repaired and repainted in 2015, the last three will be finished in 2016.
New Benches are in place throughout the community and two are located on community property at Clearwater Place so you can sit and enjoy a tranquil water view.